
St Nicholas Church

Church Road,
Bristol, BS14 0PR

Church Service Times

Every SundayHoly Communion9.00.a.m.
Every SundaySunday School9.00 – 10.00.a.m.

From May until September inclusive the church is open for quiet prayer on Wednesdays from 2.00. – 4.00.p.m.

Arrangements for weddings and baptisms can be made in 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month in church between 7.30 – 8.45.p.m. No appointment is necessary.

Activities at present in the Church Hall:

MondayPre–school9.00–11.30 am & 12.30–3.00 pm
TuesdayPre–school9.00–11.30 am
TuesdayMothers Union1st Tues (pm) of month
TuesdayWI3rd Tues (pm) of month
WednesdayPre–school9.00–11.30 am & 12.30–3.00 pm
ThursdayPre–school9.00–11.30 am & 12.30–3.00 pm
ThursdayRainbows, Brownies & Guides
Tel: 01275 836360 for more details


Church WardenMrs Annette SealyTel: 01275 543739
Church Hall bookingsDebbie FletcherTel: 01275 832730

Whitchurch United Reformed Church

24 Bristol Road,

“We warmly invite you to join in our act of worship any Sunday morning at 10.30am Sunday Services are informal but traditional in nature”

The first 15 minutes is devoted to the young people in the Church who then move into the hall for their ‘class’. This can include stories, craft activities videos and games. Junior Church is open to any children, any age, who would like to join us.

Communion is usually on the first Sunday of each month and visitors are invited to partake with us if they wish. Refreshments are provided for all on the second Sunday of the month.
All Age Worship and Parade Services are held throughout the year.

To the rear of the Church is a small hall with kitchen, facilities for the disabled and the use of a large car park. This hall is available for hire and would be suitable for small gatherings or meetings, children’s parties etc.

Wives and Friends Group meet on the 2nd Tuesday of the month with different speakers each month. We have a Bible Study House Group who meet monthly.

  1. Do you need the spiritual support and fellowship of a church?
  2. We are here if you need us.
  3. Do you belong to a group (or would like to set one up) but need a meeting place? We could be the place for you.
  4. Are you new to Whitchurch and would like to get involved in local community church life? We are the place for you.


SecretaryMrs. Sue Gunter
Tel: 01275 541785
Hall BookingsMrs. Caroline LuckhurstTel: 0117 865574